Language Arts

Language Arts consists of Reading and Writing Instruction. The purpose of reading and writing instruction in third grade is to build upon and strengthen students' independent skills.

Reading instruction this year will include a variety of things. One of the main focuses will be for students to continue to develop strong independent reading skills and habits. We will focus on helping students think of themselves as readers who are always thinking, asking questions, making connections, making predictions, and visualizing. Students will also read  on a regular basis. Teachers will model habits of good readers while enjoying picture books and chapter books with the students. Guided reading groups, literature circles, small strategy groups, and one-on-one instruction will all take place during Language Arts. Reading is a vital life skill, and we plan to make it as fun and exciting as possible every day in 3B!

Writing instruction this year will focus on writing across genres, the steps of the writing process, and the 6+1 traits. While practicing the writing process, students will have the opportunity to pre-write, draft, revise, edit, and publish their own writing. Through whole group mini-lessons, small group lessons, and one-on-one conferences, the children will learn to enhance their writing using the 6+1 traits. These traits include ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation. Grammar and spelling will also be taught through mini-lessons during writing. Students will be expected to implement these skills into their daily stories, journals, and assignments.